Well, this definitely hasn't been the best week of my life, but not the worst either. It all started Sunday morning when I was getting ready for church. Adam was already at church since he had to work the sound. I was joyful, well as joyful as you can be trying to dodge two cats while brushing your teeth (they like to drink from the sink and rub on me while I get ready...every morning). Then I started to clean my ears..like I do every 3 or 4 days, and have done every 3 or 4 days for the past 24 years when something weird happened. I stuck the q-tip into my right ear and pulled out just an empty stick. I immediately lost hearing in my ear and immediately started to panic. It's not like I slammed the qtip down my ear and forced it around...i just wet it, stuck it in and pulled back out. I called Adam and he told me to use a bobby pin to get it out....BAD IDEA BUDDY. I however listened b/c a)i like to hear and b) i know he is smarter than me. I started digging with the bobby pin but only got blood and wax. So i called him back (with a louder, more panicky voice) and he said ok, pour hydrogen peroxide in your ear and it will moisten the fibers and hopefully come out. Well, that is easier said then done. I would hold a mirror behind my head while pouring in the peroxide, hoping that I would see the qtip rise up to the top of my ear and I could grab it. Wrong again. I ended up drinking a lot of the peroxide and my ear begin to sting b/c it was so scratched up inside. So I vowed not to call Adam again :) and headed to Walgreens....2 seconds away. On the way to Walgreens I was thinking some pretty weird things...like hmmm..at least I have one good ear, maybe we can sue Q-tip and get a lot of money, or well, I have always wanted to learn sign language, but what if Adam's cant?, or this may help my teaching career since I won't be able to hear all of those noisy children. Anyways, the pharmicist there made me buy one of those baby nose syringes thingies and stuck this long flexible tube on the end. Then I laid in her lap (remember i dont know her from adam..haha) for about 20-25 minutes while she pumped this little syringe back and forth and dropped ointment into my ear. She was saying things like " honey, if i dont get this out, you will have to go to the ER, and I've heard of people busting thier ear drums while trying to get these things out". She finally started to get some of the fibers out and then all of a sudden the whole thing came out...i could instantly hear!!!!
Lesson learned- don't use q-tips. I was researching on the internet and there are tons of stories where people get them lodged in thier ear and suffer temporary and in some cases permanent hearing loss. I am going to use a washcloth and whatever I can get with that is going to suffice.
The next day (monday) I woke up and immediately was nautious and my stomach cramped. So i attempted to go to my GA but had to get up and ran out. I spent the entire rest of the day at home, flat on my back. We were hosting bible study at our house that night so I laid upstairs in bed while Adam led bible study downstairs. We thought I had food poisoning....from the church dinner on Sunday night...nothing bad to say about the dinner, it was fantastic, but that is just the first thing we thought off. Tuesday I woke up with ever worse stomach cramps so I went to the doctor. Turns out I have something that starts with a G and ends with itis. Its where my body is flushing out the lining of my intestines...great, who needs that anyways? So I have to take these pills full of bacteria that will latch on and start to rebuild the lining. I also can't drink dairy-which if you know me, you know that is horrible. I have at least 2 cups of milk a day and some yogurt for breakfast. Let me also add that I am lactose intolerant and therefore I crave the thing that hurts me. Oh well, as of today (thursday) I am feeling well, no nausea and my stomach has only cramped a couple of times.
The only other down side of the week has been my cooking. I LOVE TO COOK. Last night I was making a lemon cheesecake and tiramisu for some(3) parties we have this weekend and I had 6 egg whites left over. Being the savvy cook that I am I thought " hmm, i will make macaroons"...so I beat the eggs until they were fluffy ( thanks to my new standing mixer) and then added cocoa, vanilla and some sugar. Well when they came out of the oven they looked beautiful, and then 5 minutes later they had shriveled up and looked gross. Apparently I should have got out my cookbook and added the flour and confectioner sugar as well. Serves me right, thinking that I had reached diva chef level and no longer needed the aid of my cookbook. Adam still thinks they are good, but I'm not surprised...he ate my salt pie.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
My Papa is on a roll..he is scanning in old photos and sending 3 or 4 to me every other day. This one is of Christmas...the women on the left is my beautiful nana with 3 of her 5 children. The little girl is my mom..nice glasses :). My mom thinks that my grandmother and I look similar...maybe? I love old photos!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
My mom - back in the day

Thanks Papa!! He just keeps on providing me with good stuff to blog about! He sent me this picture today and asked if I recognized the kids. The girl is my mom...probably about 7 or 8..the other two boys are her brothers Jeff and Ricki. They were in a car accident with my grandmother when they were 7 and 5 and were killed. There are pictures of them all over my grandparents house but I like this one the best. They were in Vent Hill, VA fishing during the summer while my papa was stationed there. They were re-located to Germany after the boys died..my mom stayed there until her senior year of high school!!
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