Friday, October 26, 2007

Something Creative

I couldn't think of anything great to name my first posting .....but, I have a lot of stuff to put on here. Im not sure how witty or creative these blogs are suppost (yeah, shane, joel and virg...i used it again) be. I just wanted to start with a nice little lesson on the importance of chewing your food. I have been choking a lot lately. In class the other night I swallowed a peanut m & m WHOLE!! I then proceeded to give myself the hemleich (spelling ?). Then the whole class became concerned and I was escorted to the nearest water fountain where I coughed up everything but the stupid peice of melt in your mouth chocolate. Then my good friend Aaron showed me how to do the hymlick (spelling) to yourself over the back of the chair, in case i should ever swallow another whole peanut m & m. Therefore I am committed to chewing my food more. Laura Edgar told me one time that the reason she is such a slow eater is b/c she chews her food more, so it will be smaller, and her body will digest it quicker and wont keep so much of it around to store. I dont know if I believe her, I really dont think she believed herself, but its a good theory. I also found out that if you chew on a peice of lettuce past the point of being able to swallow it then the nothingness that is normally the flavor of lettuce will somehow gain a whole new flavor of gross. I am just rambling now...thats what i do best...especially at work. I work in basement (until Jan 2nd..whew hew) and not only is it either freezing or super duper hot, there are a bunch of stray cats around here and when it rains all of thier poop washes up at our door...GROSS. I always am afraid that I will carry that smell to church with me. Anyways, I am now going to send Adam our blog name and password so he can get on and add his two the way that reminds me..I saw a guy...who will remain nameless...spell the word nonsense like this I know that i previously spelled highmlych wrong but come on....that word is super easy. Ok. Peace Out. And, dont make fun of the title of our blog.....there aren't a lot of kewl words that start with H...we will work on it!


Mark Andrew Murphy said...

That's an AUsome title! Don't change it, K? :D

Mark Andrew Murphy said...

WAIT...actually, you might should change it to "Harvell Happenin's to possibly raise the cool factor even higher (without the "g" I mean)!

Joel said...

Kinzie! It is good to have you here in the blog world! I am such a trendsetter! But this will be such an easy way for us to keep up with each other. And, you're title is not displayed at the top of your blog. It should be.