Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Heavenly Life

Alright...this is my first post. I'll attempt to keep this short and I will try to get everything out and still make sense.
Well......I have been reading a wonderful book about heaven. God has opened up a new perspective on reading the Bible and thinking about our lives here on Earth.
We are all sinful creatures. It is a SIN that the first man and woman made by disobeying God's one rule. Now we are subjected to following a different rule amongst utter chaos (it is crazy out there people). That rule is to Love. I don't mean just hug your friend or pat your teammate on the bottom. I mean true love. It breaks my heart to hear about the struggles and turmoil occurring in our world today. Jesus came to show us that "Love" and to lead a sinless life in one of the most corrupt ages. That is why I accept Him as my Lord and Savior so that I might be able to live as one church in Heaven.
I guess that is why this book hit me smack in the face. I never considered how much more of a witness I could be by understanding where we all will end up. Let me start by asking a single question....What do you imagine heaven to be like? think about it......the details people. Ok, I thought we would be disembodied spirits hovering and living in glass houses while constantly praising God!
What could be better? Has it encouraged your spiritual evangelism to have this picture of heaven looming in the back of your mind? Have you ever imagined what Earth would be like if it were perfect? Well....that is what God made in the beginning! What makes you think that he will just give up his creation to the devil and sin! Exactly, many verses in the Bible (Revelation 21:1, Isaiah 65:17) suggest that Heaven is a New Earth and the New Jerusalem, where God lives currently in Heaven, will be brought down and He will live with His believers after sin is eradicated. He did not make our spiritual body then force the spirit into this disgusting sinful flesh. No, He created man in His image with spirit and flesh together to create a living being.
That is also why Jesus came to save us and the Earth. Jesus came as God in flesh and therefore to become the new Adam and pardon the universe from sin. From the beginning to the end the alpha and omega. Since God cannot be around sin He has sent His Spirit to live with us and Guide our life on this Earth. How amazing are those quiet times alone with God. Just imagine all of God together living on a physical Earth and being able to walk with Him for eternity. Don't you want to be a part of this amazing plan!?
I am too excited! I want you to ask questions and search through the Bible. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!


Peach Momma said...

Hurry up and finish that book Honey! I want to read it!

Mark Andrew Murphy said...

You guys are awesome! It's gonna be great to walk the streets of gold with you both some day. I love how Paul reveals that we will have glorified bodies, full of the pure light of God.