Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lessons from Marriage i sit here (the ETSU library) on a very slow Sunday from 2-6 (but its worth getting off the entire 4th of July weekend) I was thinking about some things that marriage has taught me. This list is in random order.

1-I am a perfectionist .....i liked the bed made a certain way....I am not saying that I like things to be clean but that if they are they need to be cleaned to perfection :).

2-I am a hard this could be taken as you thinking that I found this out after comparing myself to adam, but I am in no way implying that. I have realized this because of adam's comments and the amount of time I devote to getting things done. I have also realized this because since being married I have learned to relax-its so easy to nap when your husband is holding you.

3-I like peanut butter and jelly-I could not ever remembering eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich EVER. But, now I enjoy an occasional PB&J (strawberry only).

4- I am very motherly-TO EVERYONE-anything that breathes-except roaches. I mean, there has never been a time when I have not talked to my cats without first upping my voice and dumbing down my words. I also love to take care of adam- it makes me feel good when i know he has a lunch packed for the next day or that he is full from a good supper. Now, i always knew that i liked to take care of people but marriage has made me become a little OCD in this department.

5-With that said, I have not really learned but have reaffirmed my choice to adopt. I am so lucky to have a husband who sees the need I have always been aware of. We both feel strongly about adopting kids who our society labels unlovable. I would love to take in a family whose parents were either deceased or couldn't take care of them. We would love to take on the challenge of adopting older children who would otherwise probably drift from home to home in the foster care system. We are really open to anything and from anywhere..just waiting on God to speak to our hearts on an area where He has already given us both a direction. I have been mentoring a 9 yr old girl for about 5 months now. Both of her parents have been imprisoned for drugs at one time and her dad is still in. She is soooo honest about her life and loves God. She has been such a blessing to Adam and I and the love that I have developed for her has only reaffirmed the choice to adopt.

6-I have good, no Great in-laws. Now, without naming names or pointing fingers let me just say that I know of several situations where that is not the case. My in-laws and I have been close from day 1 ( in adam's opinon that would be in November of 20o5, in my mind January 06). I have always been able to talk to them, share my feelings with them and love on them. I have never felt this close to another non-related persons parents-well besides Dick and Jana-. I rarely go a week without calling up my mother in law to chat and share stories and my father in law is always there for good advice. They (along with my parents) are our biggest cheerleaders. I am almost 100% sure that Adam would say the exact same about my parents.
P.S.-my brother thinks that Adam is a saint-he has been such a good role model

7-I don't know anything about cars. I already knew this but having Adam around to laugh at me just reaffirms it.

8- I am a very touchy person. I am not shy about touching people when I get to know them. That last sentence should never be read by itself. Anyways, I am the girl who touches peoples arms during conversation or give people side hugs when I am leaving. If you have experienced this personally and don't like it just let me know, otherwise I am going to keep on touching (hmm..this sounds bad). I just like to be hands-on, even worse, hmmmm...I dont have a personal bubble so therefore I dont mind intruding on everyone elses.

9-I am the reigning Queen of Awkward. I think that somehow I never received the life manual on questions that you shouldn't ask, or situations that you should never put yourself in. I somehow always push the limit and since I like to ask questions ( i could be an investigator) it just seems that at any given time I can kill a conversation or cause everyone to look around anxiously but never make eye contact with anyone else. I promise its not a lack of manners, just wanting to become your best friend the first time i meet you.

10-Men and Women are different....shocking right? They just are. Adam does not understand why the colors in different rooms need to somewhat go together. Or why he just can't wear his brown dress shoes (AND THEY ARE BROWN) with his black suit. I on the other hand spend 30 minutes every Sunday morning trying on clothes that are just right.
Also (and this is not true of every man) Adam is a HUMAN GPS. He knew the ins and outs of Johnson City before I ever knew that no, we were not a coastal state. He says its like "being above everything"...i just know that I am always lost.
Another notable difference is the amount of sleep we both require in order to function. On a good weekend Adam can sleep in til 11ish on Saturday, go to bed around 10 that night, take a 4 hour nap inbetween church and never once feel as if he got enough sleep. I, on the other hand would just die if i ever slept that much ....i mean, there are so many other things that I could be doing. Just ask Adam, I am up with the sun on Saturdays, cleaning, cooking, yardsaling, grocery shopping, watching tv, scrapbooking, working on the house or my most favorite ENJOYING THE DAY. I have to admit though that Sundays naps are becoming addictive but I will never succumb to Adam's sleeping pattern.

enough more thing, Marriage is good and is from God.

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