So, last night Adam gave me an early birthday present....23 days early to be exact. It was a shirt that said "I'd rather be watching Jon & Kate plus 8" PRICELESS!!! I mean who doesn't like those people. A-they are christians and have made it clear that God has a place in thier home. B-They are good parents....who attempts to take 8 children under the age of 9 skiing? C-Those are some cute little chilren (thats right chilren). I know that these comments don't exactly fit with my ideas of not having any biological children but if I had to I would want 6 little asian babies! So obviously I am a fan of that show AND obviously my husband pays attention to me and knew that the shirt would make my day. He is my biggest fan!!! LOVE YOU SUGARPANTS!!
Adam should get an award for that one. I definitely watched several episodes last night.
By the way, where did the post on church discipline go?
That's so sweet he got you that shirt. Isn't the best when they notice the little things and act upon them??
I have never seen that show but I have heard some great things about it. =)
I noticed you were a fan on facebook and Tivo'd some episodes - what an amazing family. It really kills me when the mom uses Nanny 911 techniques one minute and then just let's everything go wild the next.
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