Thursday, June 5, 2008

I want you to touch.

TO be honest....I don't want you to touch. I just realized that I touch hundreds of peoples hands every week. Not just by touching monies, but I actually touch their physical hands. With the exchange of change comes the touching of cupped hands to ensure a clean disbursement of coins....."that is gross" you might be thinking. Well it is actually. Millions of germs flow from the bathroom, which is right around the corner from the gift shop, to my hands and to the money and items in the gift shop. I haven't even started talking about the candy that is just sitting there collecting dust-dead skin cells and grime from the floor. Now that I have your attention.

Enough grotesque images or maybe not. We are traveling this weekend and you know what that means. GAS PRICES!!!!!!! That's right, we are going to spend close to $100 smackers just to get from point A to point B. Kinzie could tell you that I do not enjoy grocery shopping for the main reason that I don't like to spend money on food. What a waste. I just eat it then it is gone, just like paying monthly for things I don't even use or use completely (phone bills, INSURANCE, home warranties, power). "So, what's the big deal Adam" you might be saying. Well the big deal is that not only is everyone around the earth paying great sums of money to fuel their autos, but we are destroying the natural things that exist on it. We were commissioned to take care of what God gave us and unless a drastic event were to occur there would be nothing done to realize the atrocity that bestows us. I have a really strong feeling that a major event will happen within the next 5 years. Something that will affect the life Americans are leading. This feeling is followed by a knowledge of a God that has supreme control over these situations and has predicted the world's demise from the introduction of sin into his perfect creation.

I will be writing a blog about church discipline after we are finished with our series on Sunday nights. Just something to look forward to. I personally never grasped the whole concept, but it has more to do with our personal walks with Christ then just being a leader or keeping order in church.

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