Even though we (and by we I mean me) have not posted anything lately does not mean that there aren't stellar things going on in our life :). Ha...ok, maybe not. We really both have been busy. We are about 97% done with the kicthen and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! We have 60 inches of new cabinets and countertop space, the painting is completed, and the floor looks beautiful. We are still working on shoe molding and I am painting a window to hang above the new countertops. I will post pictures soon.
Adam has not been a happy camper lately though..his Auburn Tigers have lost 4 straight games in a row. I have quit watching games with him.....I don't like it when he gets mad :). So, while he is watching football I have resorted to knitting ( I taught myself) and scrapbooking. I have almost all of my homemade Christmas presents done...and the last couple should be finished over the weekend.
Elvis (the cat) has become quite a little terror lately. He stuck his head in my glass of milk, got it stuck and when he pulled it out took the whole glass of milk with him. The milk went everywhere and came within inches of our brand new laptop.....I could have skinned him!!! He and Priscilla have also got in the habit of waking us up after the alarm has gone off...Here is the procedure. Alarm goes off at 7, Adam hits snooze, 2 seconds later the cats are on top of us, purring like crazy (they are soo loud) and licking any inch of skin that we leave out from under the covers....it sounds cute, but becomes annoying after 2 solid weeks. Then they follow us into the bathrooms and play with the shower curtains and whine as if they are starving (which they never are, they are tubby). However, if not for them I am pretty sure that Adam and I would both sleep in and be late daily.
This semester is flying by..i have 6 weeks of class left before student teaching. I have never been so ready to get on with something then right now. It could be b/c I have a teacher who gave me a C for being an overachiever...no really. She said that I was asking my art students to think to much, and that they probably wouldn't be that interested in art or art history. I told her that I don't do C work. That sounds cocky..but its the truth. I give everything 110% (well everything academically :). So I redid the dumb project, made it "easier" and put the initial project in my portfolio to show off some day soon :)!!
Other than that I am loving my job at Woodland and enjoying the kids there. My last day at the Medical Bookstore is Dec. 4th-a day that I have been looking forward to for over a year now. I really do enjoy the people there, and have made good relationships but you try being stuck in a basement, where you can't control the temperature and working in a field that honestly makes you sick to your stomach. Just ask Adam, the mention of the word needles can make me upchuck.
I'm SUPER SUPER SUPER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( those are for you Angela :)) excited about Thanksgiving. Both of our families are heading up here for 5 whole days. My parents have not been able to see our house yet and neither one of them have met our church family!!!! They will get here Wednesday and leave Sunday after church. I am also excited that we will have enough room to sleep them all. My brother will be in the small guest bedroom, adam's parents in the guest bedroom, my parents in our bed, Adam and I downstairs on the sectional (where we sleep a lot anyways) and if Jason (adam's brother) comes he will have a blow up mattress downstairs.
I also get to make my first Turkey ( i think I will stow some ham in the fridge just in case). That Saturday is the Auburn vs. Alabama game and even though Auburn is having a crummy season it should be a good game. We have alabama fans coming and i think it will be great party. I won some catering from Main St. about a month ago and they are going to provide the food for that night.
Also, my mom is bringing up my wedding dress so that Brittany, Whitney and I can do trash the dress photos around Johnson City...I'm super excited...We are going to get our hair did and go crazy. I think my mom wants some more "good shots" though before trashing it...haha, lets just hope I can still fit in the thing!!!!
Ok, enough rambling...just thought I should give our blog a little attention.
Peace Out- and don't forget to vote early if you can!!!!