Monday, August 18, 2008

My week at home.

So, I came back to work today...after having 9 glorious days off from all 3 jobs and class!!! It felt weird to be apart from Adam for 6 of those days and I think we both agree that these times apart should not be a frequent thing. I got real upset when it was time to tell Adam bye...and I felt really stupid with everyone watching. I didn't know I would be that emotional..honestly. Anyways, some highlights from my week at home were as follows.
Saturday-watching the opening of the Olympic games with my parents, adam's parents, my brother, adam's brother jason and his girlfriend Ashley and then kicking thier butt in Settlers of Caatan!!!
Sunday night-my dad rubbed my head while watching TV....he did this everynight when I was growing up..and now Adam does it... .... me, spoiled?, what?
Monday-working out with Virg at the gym, dinner at Olive Garden with my Papa, Aunt Robin and brother
Tuesday-Eating at a Thai restaurant in Tuscaloosa with my mom and Jason, Adam's was soooo good..we got edamame for an appetizer and Thai Teas (coconut milk + creamy goodness).
Wednesday-Starbucks in Tuscaloosa (b/c it was free) and going to my old church for youth group meeting that night. I got to talk to my friend Allison too!
Friday- Time with my Nana and Papa and Goat (their new baby deer)..i will post pictures of him soon...I hadn't been there in sooo long...since they always come to my house to see me.
Saturday-Seeing my hubby for the first time in 6 days...he laughed at me for being so sunburnt but then planted a big one on me....can't say I blame him. Then we went to IKEA and loaded up..I LOVE THAT PLACE...and the finale was seeing my 2 kids (cats) at home....what a good week!

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