Friday, August 29, 2008

Barack vs. Bush

So, Adam and I decided to watch Obama give his acceptance speech last night since we were informed that if we didn't we would miss history in the making. Since it came on at 10 ( quite late for us) we napped from about 6:30-8ish.
When everyone else (democratic senators and Al Gore) who hates "the last 8 years" got done talking, Obama walked out and said "thank you" a million times before the crowd got quiet enough for him to speak. I have to admit that he is a good speaker, and I like 75% of what he said.
I do think that college tuition is ridiculous and if you are like me you will leave college with some amount of loans to pay back. He said that he will make it to where if you promise to stay and work in the community you will get your college paid for. Well this is already the case..if you have government loans and work in a Title 1 school, then each year they will forgive a portion of your loans. So nothing new.
I also agree that we should promote the education system and encourage science and technology...HELLO..heard of a little thing called NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND?...and by the way if you are going to slam it as not being productive then just know that the last Democrat "Clinton" was the one who got the program going again, Bush just renamed it.
What I didn't like was the way that Obama seemed to be running against Bush....and talking about how we can't repeat the last 8 years. Well, as much as people dislike Bush, let's see if you could do a better job. I don't know why he felt he had to slam Bush..since McCain is who he is running against.
AND PLEASE OH PLEASE don't bring up the fact that you have the upmost respect for McCain for serving in the military and fighting for us.....pause to let everyone clap...and then say "Its not that McCain doesn't care, he just doesn't get it". That is not showing respect. If anything, say you have respect and show it, or don't say you have respect just to pay lip service.
He also said that McCain said we could just muddle through Afghanistan. Well as Adam recalled, McCain has said that he thinks we could have handled things differently, and maybe not have gone to war....its all how you twist things.
In the end this is what gets me the most. As he was wrapping up his speech he says this "We may not agree on abortion, but surely we can agree on reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies in this country"....YOU ARE RIGHT OBAMA....we dont agree on Abortion, because you think its OK...and we know that is not the truth. Are you asking us to compromise?...Are you asking us to turn the other way so that people can get rid of thier responsibilities?
Finally, you have this picture of an African American family that includes two adorable little girls, holding hands with a white family (the Bidens) waving to you from the podium. If this doesn't win over America, I don't know what will. I am almost positive that he will win this election b/c America is ready to have an African American president, so ready that it will overlook all of the new taxes he will enforce, all of the gay relationships he will endorse and all of the innocent babies he will let die.

Let me just note that I am very aware that each party has flaws...however, abortion and gay marriage is not something I am willing to compromise on.
McCain has not secured my vote just yet either.

1 comment:

Anna Hedges said...

I just want to add that McCain tends to sit on the fence, so to speak, about a lot of issues. If I am not mistaken, abortion is one of them. One good thing about his VP canidate is that she openly states how she is very pro-life, not only pro-life but she has 5 children. Her 5th child has Downs and knew it before it was born. She said their child was PERFECT!!! I love that! Thank goodness someone in this country understands that!

Either way, this election will make history for sure... we will have a woman VP or an African American President. It will surely be interesting to see what happens.

I agree with the fact that I am against gay marriage and against abortion.... but I would go to say that abortion is my biggest problem because it clearly states in the 10 commandments, thou shall not murder. Doesn't get much clearer than that. Abortion is murder. Killing innocent babies all because it's an inconvienence to someone is just shameful and rediculous. Makes me sick.