From left to right its (back row) Corrine ( my new bff :)), Adam, Me, Matt Deakins, Amy, Dave, Terra, Heather, Don. (front row) Abby, Justin, Jay, Chico and in the very front is Dawn!!
These are some pictures of the Heritage Softball team from this fall. This is right after we won the last double header of the season. It was a lot of fun and I think Adam and I will probably play again in the spring. Adam was nicknamed "Sweet Feet" after the speed he showed last night. He also batted 100% during the two games. We start tournament next week and then we are done for the season.
Here we are holding up our #1 (for the night, not for the season :)!!!!
Weeeeeeeeeeeee are the champions, my friiiiieeennds! And Weeeeeee'll keep on fiiiiiiighting, 'till the End!
Much love,
Weeeee are the chaaampions, my friiieeeends!... :)
lol, why isn't it showing the post! Ohh yeah, comment moderation enabled, hehe.
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