Monday, September 8, 2008

I've been bored for over 5 minutes now.

So, since my life is pretty full right now...and thats a good thing...i haven't had a chance to be bored lately. Therefore, I haven't been blogging b/c I blog when I am bored. So here are some refreshing thoughts (ha, thats comical).
A. If we still lived in the hunter-gatherer era I would be the most awesome gatherer. Last weekend we went camping and before everyone else woke up I was outside gathering fire wood to cook our breakfast. I also collected blue and blackberries from around our camp site for breakfast. I'm pretty sure it was the best breakfast ever too... hard boiled eggs (yes on a campfire), bacon, smores (with reese cups), water and bananas.
B. Having long fingernails is not as great as you think. I'm pretty sure the cons out weight the pros (which is only one that I can think of - its pretty). I can't button my pants without stabbing my stomach, I can't pop the top of a coke can, I can't type well ( i am hitting two keys almost every time) and Im so concerned with breaking them that I have neglected other things.
C. Moving on- Ever since Pastor Reggie gave us the assignment to find an atheist and ask them why they believe that way (yes atheism is a belief) I have only been able to find christians wanting to tell me their views. THIS IS NOT A PROBLEM...just ironic. In the gym the other day this guy walked up, read my shirt and started a conversation with me about how much he loved the Lord, how we are the minority, how much he trusts God with his future and then as he was leaving he said "Nice to meet you Sister". Then in the line at Food City ( i went there b/c i had coupons, not b/c I have forgiven them for the video fiasco) I met a girl named Laura who was also using coupons and we got to chatting. She works for Campus Crusade and was inviting me to come to thier meetings. Then I went out to eat with my friends from school (point D) and for the first time we invited our husbands to join us. At one point Adam went riding in one of the husband's new cars and the girls were left alone to chat. Before you know it we were talking politics ( you weren't surprised huh?) and that led to Christ. The two girls I was talking to are Christians but admitted that they hadn't been to church in years. They were both interested in why I choose to live my life the way I do (with imperfection) and very interested in Heritage. Especially when I told them that our church is culturally relevant in the fact that we have what evereyone is looking for...CHRIST...we have what today's cultures wants...UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. We aren't putting on a concert every Sunday hoping that someone will be more entertained with church than with the re-runs they may find on TV at home. So anyways, God has really been showing himself to me this week and making my search for an atheist pretty hard!!
D. I have more friends from my graduate program than I ever had from Auburn. Isn't that weird? I mean I spent 4 years with the same group in the same building day after day and when I left there I only kept in contact with like 3 of them. All of my friends came from church. This is good and bad. It means I wasn't reaching out, but in the same sense I was spending my time with people who would bring me up, rather than pull me down. Just the opposite though has happened here at ETSU. I have only been in the program for a little over a year and I have about 10 really good friendships with people from class. There is a group of 5 girls that get together about every 3 weeks for dinner, and we just started inviting our husbands. I love growing these relationships outside of the classroom.
E. Wipeout has got to be the funniest show on TV. Seriously, on Tuesdays at 8 you will find Jerri, Adam and I in front of the TV laughing so hard that we are either holding our stomachs (adam), on the floor (Jerri) or slobbering (my attractive feature). It's not just the people falling and flipping that is funny, but the commentary is ridiculous. So here is my commerical for it....beware though it will crack you up!!!! If you get bored and want to watch it online, go to ABC, then their full episode player and then won't be dissapointed!!!

1 comment:

Mark Andrew Murphy said...

hehe, yay for bored rants :D

To precede the next paragraph, I want to make sure to clarify "apologetics" (though I think you know of it)
"Apologetics" is the skill of defending the faith. "Apologia" is the rhetoric of defense (as I learned in Mass Comm.)

On Apologetics, I think that I want to make Apologetics my Masters of Divinity concentration (School of Theology). My friend John has been agnostic for awhile, and NOW my friend, William is finally agnostic (he was flat-out athiest for years). Praise God that progress is being made. On the note of apologetics, cool fun-fact...C.S. Lewis was an athiest (or at least agnostic) until his friend J.R.R. Tolkien (author of The Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, and the Silmarillion) led him to Christ, and C.S. Lewis turned out to be a good apologist himself!