Thursday, July 10, 2008

First year of marriage

Its a coming!!! On July 21st Adam and I will celebrate one year of being hitched! I just have to say makes me laugh to think how stupid I was coming into it. I mean, you take two nasty ragamuffins (to use angela's word) and expect them to fuse their entire lives...and they better do it with smiles as they skip and hold hands through dandelions and clouds. GAG. Marriage is so much more than that. I think I can safely speak for both of us when I say that our love for each other has deepened so much in the past year....and its not a dandelion and cloud love either. It's a respectful, I know you, I know your faults, I know your weaknesses, I want to spur you on to Christ love. I am so glad that we went to pre-marital counseling...because we have experienced almost everything that our pastor warned us of. Communication, Money, Our new families and add on Graduate school...i mean without God we wouldn't have a chance. I'm just going to be honest and say that there have been times when we have let our problems get the best of us...its hard to live off of one income, support each others hobbies (i just dont like disc golf and he will never understand scrapbooking) make a whole new set of friends, and figure out what career we both want. Now, with saying all of this when I think back over our last year of marriage and our 1 year of dating and engagement the sweetest memories I have are the times when we were focused on God and excited to serve Him. There is no greater responsibility that a husband and wife share than encouraging the other onto being faithful and deepening thier dependance on Christ. It only makes sense that Christ would allow us to enter into this relationship, so that we can see a glimpse (and that is probably to big) of His love for His Bride. Just as I want to be beautiful and blemish free in Adam's eyes, so much more does Christ make us clean when presenting us to God. To make each other spotless Adam and I must keep each other accountable for our shortcomings and find joy and satisfaction in Christ. I can't help but think that this one year of marraige and all of its newness and excitement is nothing when compared to the eternity that we will spend in Heaven. Its wonderful to know that as great of a life that God has provided me on earth that I better keep my fork, because something better is coming.
Love you Adam.....Thank you for being attentive to God as you seek out a future for us.

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