Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Too Busy

If you are too busy for God than you just too busy.

Lately I have had a thirst, a real physical thirst for scripture. Its something I have been praying for. Its a great desire to have and I hope to never quench it. However, my days are just soo busy. I have 3 jobs....this is not a complaint :). I have 3 jobs that pay and that is wonderful. But, these three jobs and my grad classes can get quite overwhelming and my bible continues to go unread even though I carry it around in hopes that I will have a 10-15 minute break throughout the day. I have to admit that I could wake up at 6:30 instead of 7...I could read from 10-11 instead of watching tv to lull me to sleep. I think that I need to re prioritize (spelling?) my time. So sorry Jon and Kate- I may watch one less episode of you and your sweet kids this week. Sorry Elvis and Priscilla, I may start treating you like cats instead of children a little more often. Sorry to my 3 bosses, I may not volunteer to work those extra hours anymore. Sorry to my 2 blankets that I still have at least 2 days worth of crocheting left to do. Sorry Adam the house may be a little less clean and there may be some laundry and dishes that pile up. Otherwise I will be really sorry for ignoring my Savior and this thirst that He has given me.

2 John 5 :3
For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.


Tori Clements said...

Hey Kinzie, I realize that we don't know each other very well but I've been reading your blog and love it so I just had to comment.

I think it's fantastic that you have such a thirst for the Word that you are willing to give up so much. I think when God says "seek me and I will give you the desires of your heart" He's saying that if we make Him our desire and seek after Him he will deliver Himself! So cool.

As a sidenote: I love Jon and Kate Plus Eight! My favorite is the huge, plastic alligator that Alexis carries around with her.

Anonymous said...

I would live in a pig pen rather than keep you from reading the Word!!!! Besides I can do all that except work for you. But I am telling you to please quit one of those jobs, again!

Ms. Stephens said...

Wow. Just reading all of that makes me realize just how NOT busy I am... Even without a job at the moment I call myself "busy" but I guess what I really am is "distracted." I find myself doing things that need to get done, but are pretty unimportant in comparison to spending good quality time in the Word. I love you friend! and I'm glad I've started reading ya'll's blogs again! I definitely needed it today :)